40 Amazing Developers You Should Follow On Youtube
There some of the most amazing developers that will teach you everything you need to know for HTML, CSS and JS.
These creators do videos on frontend, backend, databases, cloud servers and much more. If you want to learn anything from React, Angular, Vue or even NodeJS, Mongo, AWS and much more, there are great people to follow here.
Who is your favourite, and did I miss anyone?
The Coder Coder youtube.com/thecodercoder
Brad Traversy youtube.com/user/TechGuyWeb
Florin Pop youtube.com/c/florinpop
Fireship IO youtube.com/channel/UCsBjURrPoezykLs9EqgamOA
Danny Thompson youtube.com/DThompsonDev
The Net Ninja youtube.com/c/thenetninja
Niall Maher youtube.com/channel/UCvI5azOD4eDumpshr00EfIw
William Candillon youtube.com/channel/UC806fwFWpiLQV5y-qifzHnA
developerHabits youtube.com/channel/UCJLZwePkNHps5Bv7VwISyTA
Gary Simon youtube.com/user/DesignCourse
James Q Quick youtube.com/channel/UC-T8W79DN6PBnzomelvqJYw
Weibenfalk youtube.com/user/Weibenfalk
Kevin Powell youtube.com/user/KepowOb
Dennis Ivy youtube.com/c/DennisIvy
codeSTACKr youtube.com/codeSTACKr
Chris Sean youtube.com/c/ChrisSean
Program With Erik youtube.com/c/programwitherik
Swizec Teller youtube.com/channel/UCoyHgaeLLI7Knp7LDHOwZMw
Faraday Academy youtube.com/c/FaradayAcademy
Web Dev Simplified youtube.com/channel/UCFbNIlppjAuEX4znoulh0Cw
Coding Garden youtube.com/channel/UCLNgu_OupwoeESgtab33CCw
JavaScript Mastery youtube.com/JavaScriptMastery
Code with Ania Kubów youtube.com/aniakubow
CodingTutorials360 youtube.com/codingtutorials360
Caleb Curry youtube.com/calebthevideomaker2
RealToughCandy youtube.com/realtoughcandy
Eddie Jaoude youtube.com/eddiejaoude
Eleftheria Batsou youtube.com/c/eleftheriabatsou
Jesse Showalter youtube.com/JesseShowalter
Catalin Pit youtube.com/CatalinPit
CodingEntrepreneurs youtube.com/CodingEntrepreneurs
CoderOne youtube.com/coderone
Classsed youtube.com/classsed
Chau Codes youtube.com/chaucodes
Dev Mentor Live youtube.com/dementorlive
Claudio Bernasconi youtube.com/channel/UCTbHPk0bIOQwTXuGgD195bw
Free Code Camp youtube.com/channel/UC8butISFwT-Wl7EV0hUK0BQ
These creators also have tips and tricks on freelancing, books to read to improve your programming skills or do better at coding. Application devs as well as web dev skills that you might want to learn along the way in your journey as a programmer. One of my favourites is freeCodeCamp which is a community of developers that cover all topics related to making websites and applications.
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